Students - Online District Resources
Brea Olinda Unified School District is committed to providing access to online digital tools to provide a personalized and engaging experience for students. The applications listed below highlight those that are accessible to students throughout the District.
Description |
English Language Arts teaching resources
for grades K - 6.
Clever is our centralized web portal to access student District and school site applications. These include the programs listed on this page and more! | |
Follett Destiny is our online library management system. Students can login to locate, and checkout books. |
Google Suite for Education is a group of online tools that allow students and teachers to communicate and create content. These include tools such as Google Docs, Drive, Mail, Sheets, Slides and more. |
Holt McDougal Online is a Math teaching resource for grades 7 and 8. | |
HMH Think Central is an online Math resource for grades K - 6. |
Illuminate Education is an online assessment tool for teachers and students in grades K - 12. | |
i-Ready is a online adaptive language, literacy and math tool for students in grades K - 6. | |
Seesaw is an online instructional application for grades TK - 2. |