- Resolution #21-15: National Hispanic Heritage Month
- Resolution #21-16: Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials for 2021-2022
- Resolution #21-17: GANN Appropriations Limit
- Resolution #21-18: Authorization of Signatures
- Resolution #21-19: Lights on Afterschool
- Resolution #21-20: Adoption of Public Agencies Post-Employment Benefits Trust by PARS
- Resolution #21-22: Authorization of Signatures
- Resolution #22-01: National African American History Month
- Resolution #22-02: Staffing Flexibility Measures in Accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-3-22
- Resolution #22-03: Women's History Month
- Resolution #22-04 New Trustee Area Map with Adjusted Boundaries
- Resolution #22-05: Establish Fund 71, Retiree Benefit Fund
- Resolution #22-06: Developer Fees on Residential, Commercial and Industrial Development Pursuant to Government Code
- Resolution #22-07: Authorization to Sign Applications and Associated Documents
- Resolution #22-08: Resolution and Order of Biennial Trustee Election and Specifications of the Election Order
- Resolution #22-09: Mental Health Awareness Month
- Resolution #22-10: Approval of Committed Fund Balance
- Resolution #22-11: Education Protection Account
- Resolution #22-12: Exception to 180-Day Wait Period
- Resolution #22-13: Exception to the 180 Day Wait Period
- Resolution #22-14: Exception to 180-Day Wait Period
- Resolution #22-15: Budget for Community Facilities District No. 95-1 and ...
- Resolution #22-16: Authorization of Signatures
- Resolution #22-17: Budget Transfer of Funds