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Facilities Planning

Local Funding Measure for Safe & Modern Brea Olinda Schools
Header with photos of BOUSD students working and holding books. Title reads Safe & Modern Brea Olinda Schools
Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD) serves nearly 6,000 students in preschool through high school across 10 schools. Student achievement in BOUSD’s award-winning schools is among the highest in Orange County and more than 90% of local high school graduates are college and career-bound; achieving one of the highest levels of academic performance in Orange County, setting students up for success in college,
careers, or wherever life may take them.
Aging Schools Need Repairs
Photo of two old sinks Some BOUSD schools were built more than 100 years ago, and many of the classrooms, labs, and school facilities have not been upgraded in 20 years. For example, local schools have 48 portable classrooms that are more than 25 years old, exceed their expected lifespan, and are falling apart with structural damage and water leaks. Other school facilities were built so long ago that they don't meet today's earthquake safety standards, have hazardous materials, old leaking pipes, and the underground infrastructure is failing, resulting in gas leaks, water leaks, and sewage backups. 
Local Funding to Repair & Upgrade Brea Olinda Schools
While academic achievement in BOUSD schools is strong, classrooms, labs, and school facilities are outdated and worn out and need upgrades for local students to stay competitive with other top performing schools. Because the State does not provide dedicated funding to repair and upgrade facilities, voter-approved school improvement bond measures are one of the only options for funding repairs and upgrades. BOUSD is one of only two school districts in Orange County that has not received voter approval for a bond measure to improve local schools in the last 25 years. The Board of Education has voted unanimously to place a school improvement bond measure on the November 2024 ballot that would provide locally controlled funding to: 
  • Repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation, gas lines, sewer lines, and electrical systems.
  • Remove hazardous materials and leaking pipes from older school sites.
  • Upgrade older schools so they meet current health and safety codes and improve access for students with disabilities.
  • Keep computer systems and instructional technology up-to-date.
  • Provide classrooms, facilities, and technology needed to support high-quality instruction in math, science, engineering, and technology. 
  • Improve student safety and campus security systems including security fencing, security cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms, and sprinklers.
Mandatory Fiscal Accountability & Local Control
A school improvement bond measure would require mandatory fiscal accountability protections, including:
  • A detailed project list describing how the funds would be spent and required public disclosure of all spending
  • An independent Citizen's Oversight Committee and annual audits to ensure funds are used as promised
  • All funds would be locally controlled and cannot be taken by the State.
  • No funds could be used for district employee salaries or benefits
Share your Priorities and Questions
As we plan for the future of BOUSD schools, please share your thoughts, priorities, and questions by emailing [email protected] or calling 714-990-7800. 
How are schools funded in California?
All schools in California receive a majority of their funding from Prop 98, which provides a minimum funding level from the State's income and sales tax revenues. View these additional resources to learn more about school funding in California.