BOUSD COVID-19 Information
The Brea Olinda Unified School District is closely monitoring the COVID-19 health crisis and recognizes that a safe and respectful environment is essential to student success. On this page you, will find COVID-19 updates, information and resources.
Brea Olinda Unified School District follows the guidelines set forth by the Orange County Health Care Agency when screening students for potential COVID-19 symptoms or exposure. Included is guidance about positive COVID-19 cases, close contact exposures and quarantine protocols. Please reference the Student Symptom Decision Tree (below) for guidance.
Please note: New state guidance uses symptoms-based approach instead of five day isolation for positive COVID-19 test result and symptoms
With an end declared to California's COVID-19 state of emergency, state health officials have announced updates to several pandemic-era public health orders related to vaccines, masking, isolation and quarantine. One big change that will impact schools is reduced isolation time for individuals recovering from COVID-19. On Jan. 9, the California Department of Public Health issued new COVID-19 Isolation and Testing guidance that recommend a person who has tested positive with COVID-19 use a symptoms-based approach where as long as they are feeling well, have improving symptoms and are fever-free for 24 hours, they can return to work or school.
Quarantine Guideline Update for Students & Staff in K-12 Settings
For student COVID-19 management guidance, please refer to the CDPH Safe Schools Hub for information.
For staff COVID-19 management guidance, please refer to the Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) guidelines.