Use of Facilities
Welcome to the Brea Olinda Unified School Facility Rental Request Site for Boosters, Faculty, PTO and User Groups.
The District’s first priority is to accommodate the District’s programs, student activities, and staff in the process of coordinating facility use. As such, the BOUSD Business Office’s first priority will be focusing on processing permits for such needs. All External Group (Including Boosters) requests are submitted through the Event Manager Portal (above).
Outside User Groups/Booster Groups/PTO
- Create an online account in the Community Event Manager Portal. See Resources below for assistance. You will either create an organization or join an organization if your organization has rented with us in the past. If this is a new organization to Event Manager, it will need to be approved by the District and you will receive an email informing you of the approval. Please use the following guides for assistance:
- Submit a copy of insurance that meets the stated criteria in your organization account and/or your event request. Please see Brea Olinda's Insurance Requirements. Please include the following in the endorsement: "The Brea Olinda Unified School District, its Board, and its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers shall be named as additional insureds, by separate endorsement. Any insurance maintained by the 'use of facilities' applicant(s) shall be primary and non-contributory."
- If you are a non-profit group, you must submit your 501(c)(3) with your Event Request.
- You will need to submit an event request for each location if they are not at the same times.
- You will be notified by email when your application has been approved/denied. Submission of application is not an approval of rental.
Internal/Staff Events
- Go to the Internal Event Manager Portal and log in using your BOUSD Google Log in.
- Before you are able to create an event, you will need to add an organization. Please use the Internal Event Manager Guide for instructions and guidance.
- You will be notified by email when your application has been approved/denied. Submission of application is not an approval of rental.
User group facility fee - This includes the use of facility fees for available sites
Rental Requirements - All User Groups must:
1. Applicant must be a duly authorized representative or officer of the entity over 18 years of age.
2. The application submitted must be for the applicant's direct use of school facilities or grounds (no 3rd party beneficiaries are allowed).
3. Current & valid insurance certificates will be required prior to the event.
4. Requests should be entered at least 4 weeks prior to the event.
5. All users must have an approved request on file PRIOR to using facilities.
6. Advertising is not permitted without prior approval of the Superintendent or designee.
7. Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
**As a reminder**
All previous invoices must be paid prior to making a new request
Amber Gonzales Duong, Executive Assistant, Business Services
(714) 990-7827